Lecture 03-27-17
Sawmill problem
- Cut into specific pieces
- Costs calculated by size of board
- Example:
- ABCD: 24 + 20 + 17 + 10
- BACD: 24 + 7 + 17 + 10
- CDBA: 24 + 10 + 14 + 7
- Minimum total cost
- Very similar to matrix multiplication & optimal binary tree
Office Hours 3/28
- 9:00am - 10:30am, 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Proving a problem is difficult
- P: decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time
- NP: can very an answer of yes in polynomial time
P = NP?
- What makes it important?
- Many important problems are known to be in NP but not known to be in P
- Many important problems are known to be in NP and are in P iff P = NP
Evidence of difficulty
- Problem is in NP iff P = NP
- We believe P != NP
- Therefore, problem cannot be solved in polynomial time
- Wrong proof
- Hard problem: NP-complete
- Complete: hardest problem in its class
- Problem A => Problem B
- Any instance of A into an instance of B
- Show A is at least as hard as B
- A => B or B => A?
- Answer: B => A
- Answer to instance of y must be same as answer to instance of x
- X => Y
- Reduction must take polynomial time (and space)
- X infinityp Y
- X is NP-complete if
- X is in NP
- Every problem in NP polynomially reduced to X
- To show:
- Take known NP-complete and turn into X
- Chicken & egg problem