Lecture 03-22-17
All pairs shortest path
- For every pair of vertices x and y, we want to know the shortest path from x to y
- Djikstra’s
- n * O(n2)
- non-negative weight edges
- greedy algorithm
- doesn’t work because longer edge can take you to negative weight edge later
- Floyd’s
- Deals with negative weigths & negative weight cycles
- O(n3)
Frequent flyers story
- How to find a negative weight edges & especially cycles
Floyd’s Algorithm
- Negative weights & cycles
- Will work unless there is a negative weight cycle
- But will be able to detect
- Dynamic programming
- Applies to automata: convert FA to RE
- Standard assumption in graphs: vertices are numbered
- Sijk
- ij: coordinates
- k: cost of shortest path from i to j which goes through no vertex numbered greater than k
- Example: 5 -> 12 -> 9 -> 4 -> 8 -> 3
- Goes through 12, 9, 4, 8
- Does not include start and end
- Into and out of vertex to go through
- Going to calculate all
- Steps
- Solve all Sij0
- Solve all Sij1
- Solve all Sij2 (vertices 1 and 2)
- Create a matrix M0
- Represents shortest path from i to j without going through edge greater than k
- If i to j, then cost is cost
- If i = j, then 0
- Otherwise, infinity
- Create a matrix Mk
- Adding a new edge at each step, using the previous matrix
- Row and column containing i is going to be the previous values
- Then compare with and without new vertex k
Mijk - 1,
Mikk - 1 +
Mkjk - 1)
- How will we determine if there is a negative cycle
- iff proof
- If you find a negative value along the diagonal, you will have a negative cycle
- If negative cycle, then Mx, there will be a negative along the diagonal
- Keep track of intermediate vertex if better
- This will give the ability to reconstrut the path
- Can do it all in one matrix