Lecture 02-15-17
Shortest Path Algorithm
- “Single source”
- From a starting point to all other points in the graph
- “Single source single destination”
- No advantage to above
- Same order of complexity as finding cheapest path to all points
- Dijkstra
- P & V in OS / synchronizations
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Assumptions:
- Non-negative weight edges
- For rewards in conjunction with costs
- Digraph
- If knew how to solve for undirected, no way to solve digraph
- Conversely, knowing digraph knows how to solve for undirected
- Greedy algorithm
- Steps:
- Takes the one with the least cost
- Look at all edges out of s & x
- Only place you can go wrong
- Prim’s algorithm
- In this:
- Weight of the edge + the cost of getting to the head of the edge
- Runtime: O(n2)
- Finalizes distances by order of cheapest to most costly
“I am going to lie to you”
- Don’t write this down
- Show you something kind of important to know
- Single source single destination shortest path
- Simple variant of dijkstra’s: bidirectional shortest path
- Find vertices in order of distance from the start vertex
- In the worst case, O(n2)
- Average case:
- Expected: O(sqrt(n))
- Order: O(n * sqrt(n))
- All this would be true if weights of edges are random numbers
- Why do I teach you this?
- Expected time analysis can be very dangerous
- You can often be convinced that things are equally likely to happen
- Problem with model not math