Lecture 02-08-17
Discuss take home exam 2
- Was late to class
- Sorting adjacency lists
- Go through adjacency lists in order and always adding in order
- Don’t need extra space?
- Twist: if directed:
- First create lists of edges into the vertex
- Reverse edges
- Standard assumption:
- Vertices are numbered 1…n
- Identify in O(n+m) all vertices in path from x-y
- Make subgraph of biconnected components (biconnected component tree)
- Account for case where starting point is articulation point
- Also can’t DFS on the original graph without keeping track of whether it is leaving a biconnected component or not
- Single vertex has path to all other vertices in digraph
- Break into strongly connected components
- True if exactly 1 vertex has in degree 0 in the strongly connected component graph
- Derived from harder problem:
- Notion of connectivity (uni-connected)
- Path of at least x-y or y-x
- Create a data structure where both UNION and FIND operations are “fast”
- Based on trees (inverted trees)
- Inverted tree:
- Every node keeps track of parent
- Not the same as the MST
- Will keep the property: the vertices it’s connected to is a single set
- Union
- O(1)
- Make one tree’s root the child of the other’s root
- Find
- Requires that the name of the set it belongs to is at the top of the tree
- Real implementation is a array representation of a tree
- Necessary to instantly access node
- Runtime dependent on the height of the tree: O(n)
- Height based union
- Generalized: make root of “smaller”, child of “bigger”
- Definition of smaller:
- Strategies:
- Height based union
- Size based union
- Note: addition is by convention O(1) but is actually more complex
- Not immediately obvious why find is based on height
- See that it is not easy to keep track of the height of the tree
- Will partially collapse this tree