Lecture 2-3-17
Spanning Tree Algorithms
- m > n - 1
- otherwise graph is not connected
- Algorithms:
- Find a cycle and delete the longest edge
- DFS: O(n + m)
- Delete O(mn)
- Total time: O(m2n)
- Find arbitrary vertex
- Find adjacent edge out of T and
- Until all vertices in T
Prim’s Algorithm
- O(nm)
- Psuedo-proof
- Suppose it makes 1st mistake at step i
- 1st mistake: T was part of a MST, at step i, some edge from T to x was added
- Not a mistake
- Therefore never makes 1st mistake
- Proof:
- T needs to go to x from some vertex U
- No mistake was made before so Tmin but once added X, mistake was made
- Add edge from Tmin + u to x
- Now T has some cycle
- At some point, the cycle has to go back into the tree T
- Claim there’s another spanning tree:
- Tmin minus v-w is a ST
- Only one way to get between pair of points in a tree
- Cost(v-w) < Cost(u-x)
- C(u-x) <= C(vw) because algorithm took the smallest edge out of T
- Since u-x was chosen over v-w
- Tmin + u-x \ v-w <= C(Tmin)
- Now, Tmin + u-x \ v-w is also another MST
- Therefore: adding u-x is not a mistake
Proof of Greedy Algorithms
- Show that they never make a 1st mistake
- Induction
Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Sort edges in increasing order
- Add next u-v iff does not create a cycle
- Personal: I like u-v does not already have a path better than “cycle”
- Not obvious that Prim’s/Kruskal’s is better
- Both are subproofs of:
- Any current tree and add the smallest edge out of it, then the greedy algorithm based on any of the trees will always give you a MST
- Analysis:
- Runtime: O(mlogm) = O(mlogn) since m can be at most n2 and log(n2) = 2log(n)
- Repeated m times and have to check cycle
- Adding to current solution and can’t have more than n-1 edges = O(n)
- O(mn + mlogn) also O(mn)
- Worth learning because
- Cover’s union find algorithm
Sollin’s Algorithm
- Would be faster than O(mn)
- Natural implementation: O(mlogn)
- Boruvka: Czech railroad engineer in the 1920’s